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June 14, 2024

The Future Of Marketing: Beyond The Funnel

The traditional marketing funnel has been a staple of marketing for many years. It is a model that outlines the stages a customer goes through when making a purchase, starting with awareness and moving through interest, desire, and finally, action. However, in recent years, the effectiveness of this model has been called into question. Many marketers believe that the funnel is outdated and does not accurately reflect the way that consumers behave in the digital age.

One of the main criticisms of the traditional funnel is that it assumes that customers will move through each stage in a linear fashion. However, in reality, customers may move back and forth between different stages, or even skip stages altogether. For example, a customer may become aware of a product, skip the interest and desire stages, and go straight to purchasing. Or, they may be interested in a product, but not purchase it until much later.

Another issue with the traditional funnel is that it assumes that customers will only interact with a brand through specific channels or platforms, and that that engagement can only be initiated by particular types of creative, for example, video. However, in today's digital landscape, customers can interact with brands on any platform, at any time, via any medium. They may discover a product through social media, learn more about it on a website, and make a purchase through an app. This means that marketers need to be prepared to engage with customers across a wide range of channels and touchpoints.

Given these challenges, many marketers are now moving away from the traditional funnel and embracing a more fluid, customer-centric approach. This approach acknowledges that customers can convert at any stage of the journey, and that the journey itself may be nonlinear. It also recognizes that customers can interact with brands on any platform, and that marketers need to be flexible and adaptable in their approach to creative and activation.

In summary, the deprecation of the traditional marketing funnel reflects a shift in the way that marketers think about customer behaviour and engagement. Rather than assuming that customers will move through a linear process, they are now embracing a more fluid, dynamic approach that allows for greater flexibility and adaptability. Ultimately, this approach puts the customer at the center of the marketing process, and allows marketers to engage with them in a more meaningful and effective way.

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